Reshaping the way we do business

Reshaping the way we do business

In a world of increasing energy demands and rapidly declining natural resources, the transition from a linear economy to a circular economy is essential to ensure sustainability. A circular economy uses resources more effectively by creating rather than wasting, using rather than owning, and reusing rather than disposing. 

As global demand for lighting grows, the adoption of circular economy principles in the lighting industry will allow users to pay only for the light, not for the equipment. New business models such as Philips Circular Lighting take care of installation, performance, and servicing of your lighting for you, allowing you to focus on making your own business more efficient and economical. Innovative financing options allow you to benefit right away from cutting-edge, energy-efficient LED lighting while reducing both up-front and operational costs. 

Circular Lighting also means that we design our lighting products in a fully sustainable way. At end of the service contract, the lighting system can be upgraded and reused, or all materials and parts can be returned for repurposing or recycling. By minimizing materials waste and reducing environmental impact, we create an ecosystem that extends the life of our lighting products and provides a better future for the next generation.


Make - Circular design

We build products with future-proof components that are easily upgradable and serviceable to last longer and with the option to switch to connected lighting later. Applications such as Philips Service tag let you easily service lighting products by selecting the right spare parts and retrieving information on the history of spare parts used. Modular components such as drivers and light engines are designed for easy maintenance and replacement, extending product life. Easy disassembly means that materials and components can be fully harvested for reuse or recycling.


Use - New business models

By changing the way we do business, we remove financial hurdles and relieve you of the hassle of ownership and maintenance. All-in-one managed service contracts cover maintenance, optimization, and service efforts—and you pay only for the light you use. You benefit from evolving lighting technology without upfront investments.


Return - Reverse logistics

We minimize CO2 emissions and waste of materials through reverse logistics. We efficiently recover, disassemble, and reuse components and lighting systems to extend their life. By re-engineering our product designs, we enable efficient ways of recycling and repurposing components and systems. There are no hidden waste costs or disposal fees, allowing you to realize additional incremental savings at end of system life.